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    Compliance & Green production 

    Through strict quality review and continuous communication with the R&D team, we continuously upgrade the development process and product design to ensure the optimal use of resources, materials, and appropriate waste disposal. 

    We will carry out continuous and active communication based on sustainable development and review and monitor the environment and health of suppliers. To ensure that customers’ needs are met under safety and environmental protection. 


    Sustainable development response 

    Beyond sustainable production, Unibest advocates a sustainable lifestyle. Our teammates were educated to be responsible for sustainable development, whether exhibited or to themselves. We believe we can build a future of “business for good” with our customers, supplier and our teammates. 

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    We focus on children's education, and in December 2015, we donated money to the "fact orphans" raised by the society through the "e-wan" action of the Aide Foundation; we also donated grants to schools to help students from low-income families and outstanding students complete their studies. 
    At the same time, we actively pay attention to major disasters. We actively collect donations for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the 2010 Yushu earthquake, and the Southwest disaster, hoping our strength can become public welfare energy for society. 
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    Honesty, respect, confidence, and compliance are the bones of our conduct policy. Our employees must learn and understand how to do business in our way the first day they join Unibest. Any violation of the guidelines will cause severe punishment. 
    Some compliances are already closely integrated into our daily operations and even our employee's life. Every employee will be trained and tested by our internal SOP, which is strictly designed by our policies; following the whole process, Unibest can ensure every step we do is legal, efficient, and reliable. 
    We welcome different audits all around the world.









Products are for R&D use only and are not intended for human use. We do not sell to patients.

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