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    2) Use of personal data 

    The personal data collected will not be used for any other purpose except for the following: 

    1. To answer or review your inquiries 

    2. To send any requested documents 

    3. For review in connection with human resources relating to job applications

    4. In other cases, when notified or made public with the intention at the time of collection to fulfill the specific purpose 


    3) Transfer or disclosure of personal data to a third party 

    The personal data which you provide on our website shall not be transferred or disclosed to a third party except in the following cases: 

    1. You have given your consent to do so 

    2. Transfer or disclosure to the contractor to the extent necessary to serve the purpose of use which has been notified or disclosed to you at the time of acquisition of the personal data 

    3. Required by law 


    4) Management of personal data 

    Proper measurements shall be taken to prevent the leak, loss, and modification of your data provided on our website. In addition, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is in place for data transmission protention. 


    5) Point of contact for inquiry, correction, and deletion of personal data 

    Contact us via our inquiry form or telephone if you have any comments or questions regarding our privacy policy on our website. If you wish to enquire about, correct, or delete the personal data you have provided, we will handle your query appropriately upon the confirmation of your identity. Please note that a fixed handling fee may be charged at the point of disclosure. 









Products are for R&D use only and are not intended for human use. We do not sell to patients.

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